Why it Takes More Strength to Be Weak Than to Be Strong

The people we should consider heroes are the weak ones who just keep going. After all, they’re the ones who don’t have a supportive audience calling their names from the rafters, egging them on to victory. They’re the ones who don’t have a shiny, bright identity tailor-fit to their shape and studded with the admiration for those around them. The strong don’t have to look deep inside to know who they are. They define themselves in inches, the number of inches between them and second place. Their name is written in trophies and broken records and from come-from-behind-to-win-it-all stories. The world spells it out for them. It’s hard to be strong. It means that you have to push your muscles harder and more frequently than the next guy. It means worrying that everything you’ve done will crumble to powder with the next attempt at excellence. But what does that compare to the plight of the weak? The p...