Why You're More Religious Than You Think You Are

Some people say they like spirituality but not religion. Some people say they're spiritual, but they don't believe in God. I don't think they realize what that means. Yes, that's right. I'm here to tell you that some people believe in God more than they think they do. The first question to consider isn't, "Do you believe in God?" It is, "Do you believe in love?" The answer may seem obvious to the point of ridiculousness, but for many groups of people it isn't. I should first clarify what I mean by love. Love is wanting another person's wellbeing, interests, and happiness more than you want your own. There was (and still is) a group of Psychologists in the United States called the Behaviorists that basically rolled off the altogether real human tendency to seek pleasure and avoid pain. The problem was that they believed that that was all humans did. They were simply input-output machines th...