Love is the Only Life-Transforming Power

A change is a decision that a person makes.

No one can force them to change.  Other people can only make them adjust their behavior to respond to the circumstances they thrust upon them.  

People only truly change because they want to.  They want to change because the object of their love inspires them to seek transformation.  Their seeking leads them to think and act in different ways.

When people think and act in new ways long enough, it changes what they want.  Their new desires lead them to love what they love more deeply.  People transform because of what they love.

Love builds up.  When it reprimands, it prunes.  It destroys only in a way that creates.  Any effort to convince others to improve without love is doomed to failure.   

EXAMPLE:  if a person sees someone acting intolerantly towards a member of another ethnicity, gender, or religion, it is completely ineffective to pressure them, angrily if necessary, into shaping up.  Even if their actions change immediately as a result of their pressure, when time has passed and the person is no longer physically present, they will revert back to their old ways.

The longer person is loved, the more likely they are to reciprocate that love and begin to seek, think, and act accordingly.  Love doesn't pressure people to change, it outlasts the errant one's will to do bad.  It constantly and consistently abides until the person approaches it and then it rises up and envelops them.  That is the moment when change is born.  The more deeply that a person is loved, the more powerfully they will be changed in that moment.  




The more deeply that you love, the more powerfully you can be there for others in their critical moments.  That is the moment when change is born.  You can constantly and consistently watch until the person approaches you and you rush forward and envelop them.  You won't pressure them to change, but your love will outlast their will to do bad.  The longer you love them, the more likely it will be that they will reciprocate and begin to seek, think, and act accordingly.

EXAMPLE:  if you see someone acting intolerantly towards a member of another ethnicity, gender, or religion, it is completely effective to love them, sternly if necessary, into shaping up.  Even if their actions  don't change immediately as a result of your love, as soon as the situation shifts and they decide to accept your love, even if a lot of time has passed and you are no longer physically present, they will change in the deepest way.

Any effort you make to inspire others to improve with love is destined to succeed.  You will create even if it must be in a way that temporarily destroys.  When you reprimand, you also pull them closer.  You build up.

You transform because of who you love.  Your new desires lead those you to love the people who you care about more deeply.  This is because when you think and act in new ways long enough, it changes what you want.

Your new quest will lead you to think and act in different ways.  You will want to change because of what the people who you love inspire you to seek.  You only truly change because you want to.

You can adjust your behavior to respond to the circumstances of others, but no one can force you to change.

Because a change is a decision that you make.

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Picture attributions:  Gluckstadt II Fotografie, "discover the chiemsee" 



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