Hope for a better world
In Spanish, the word "esperar" can mean to
hope, to wait, and to expect. The most
powerful kind of hope is less wishful thinking and more expecting something so
ardently that you're willing to wait for it until it actually happens.
That's a daring thing.
It means to carry on looking for it even though it
hasn't arrived yet, in the face of the prospect that it may never come.
And one of the most daring things to hope in that
way for is a better world.
There is a lot of sadness and pain in this one. Sometimes our own personal world feels a bit
drab. There are people looking for
something, just one thing, that means more to them than anything else, and it's
the one thing they can't seem to find.
Someone I respect once said:

The trick is to be grateful for the ride. But also to hope for a better world while we
stay thankful for this one.
Here's an interesting fact about perfectionism: Those who are always overly concerned about
being good enough don't believe that they actually will be. If they did, they wouldn't feel nearly so
anxious about it. They need hope that
their world can become better.
This world can
become better because there are people inside it who love. There are people who give, not just people
who take. The capacity of each person to
love should inspire hope for the future.
Life is
imperfect, but it is perfect for us. Its defects enable us to become perfectly
happy in an imperfect world through hope.
And if we can find happiness in imperfection, what circumstance could we
ever be placed in that would take our joy from us?
Hope is one of the most powerful tools at your
disposal to benefit the lives of others.
It is the fire that burns in behalf of others when they feel like all is
lost. It helps you to see what they
can't and believe in what they won't until they have the strength to do so
It allows you to observe sadness and misfortune
without becoming bitter or discouraged.
It is a light in your heart that shines more powerfully than any amount
of darkness in the world.
Hope for a better world. Risky?
Inherently. But in the end it's
the only way to live.
Picture attributions: Hernan Pinera, "GPS," https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode transp, "hope," https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode Forest Wander, "hope," https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode
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Picture attributions: Hernan Pinera, "GPS," https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode transp, "hope," https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode Forest Wander, "hope," https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode
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