Don't Be A Lightning Bolt

ka-BOOM A lightning bolt strikes the ground, pile-driving a million particles of plasma and an incredible amount of energy into a small charred patch of undergrowth. The peal of its thunder shocks the world for many miles around. As awesome as this pure rush of elemental prowess, a second later it's all over and the dreary landscape is almost exactly the way it's always been. Life can be like that. There are moments when we, like the lightning, sit in positions of incredible power and influence. But many times we don't appreciate the opportunities and soon they've gone by with a flash and a bang. Only, in life, those opportunities are much easier to overlook precisely because they are not as (no pun intended) flashy. To be in a position of power means to have a certain amount of say or influence. This is easy to recognize when you think about the way the opinions of celebrities have a disproportionate influence on the world just b...